Fall 1990
Front Matter
Front Matter
Comparative Civilizations Review
The Ethnological Revolution: On Marcel Mauss
Henning Ritter
Is the Logos of the Psychic Concealed in History? On the Work of Felix Krueger
Briggitte H. E. Niestroj
Book Reviews
Kenneth Winetrout. After One is Dead: Arnold Toynbee as Prophet
Wayne M. Bledsoe
Paul Kennedy. The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers
Gene H. Bell-Villada
Roger Joseph and Terri Brint Joseph. The Rose and the Thorn: Semiotic Structures in Morocco
Jim Stallings
Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat, Marquis de Condorcet. Sketch for a Historical Picture of the Progress of the Human Mind
Lloyd S. Swenson Jr.
David J. Nemeth. The Architecture of Ideology: New-Confucian Imprinting on Cheju Island, Korea
Willis Stoesz
End Matter
From the Editors
Vytautas Kavolis and Edmund Leites
Full Issue
Full Issue
Comparative Civilizations Review