
Article Title

What I Like Most


Jennifer Pagett


Excellent, Preschool, Primary, Gratitude, Thankfulness, Love

Document Type

Book Review


A girl takes stock of all the things that bring her happiness. There’s the window through which she sees the mailman, children at play, and trees that will elongate as time passes. There’s her grandmother’s sweet apricot jam, spread across her toast and eaten with delight. There’s the river that flows gently and houses ducks and fish. There’s also the special book with a girl who looks like her on it, and the teddy bear she’s had since she a baby. All these things will change over time. They’ll get used up, or simply wear out. Some, like the river, will remain but transform over the passing years. One constant that will never change, though, is the love that exists between the girl and her mother, and in the end, that is what she treasures most.
