"Monkeys Love to Eat" by Kimberly Reynolds

Article Title

Monkeys Love to Eat


Monkeys, Food, Bananas, Siblings, Toddler, Preschool, Excellent

Document Type

Book Review


Milo, Mimi, and Max are siblings who all like different foods. Milo only likes food that has a crunch to it. Mimi prefers to eat anything that is sweet. Max wants to eat bananas. Together they struggle to find a meal that they all can enjoy. Milo eats granola every morning, but Mimi goes for the stack of pancakes, and Max throws bananas on both. For lunch they try to make a sandwich, but when Mimi adds ice cream and Max adds a banana, everyone is upset. They finally find a solution by making pizza, each adding their own ingredients to a third and enjoying banana splits for dessert.
