
Article Title

The Missing Piece of Charlie O'Reilly


Taylor Nelson


Last year, Charlie went to bed annoyed with his little brother, Liam, wishing he would just disappear. When Charlie woke up the next morning, his wish had come true. Liam was gone, along with every trace of his existence. No one remembers Liam—no one except Charlie. Now, a year later, Charlie is determined to find Liam, but the search seems hopeless. Until one day, Charlie receives a note that is unmistakably in Liam's handwriting. The note leads Charlie to the old, mysterious asylum on the hill, where he finds Liam, along with many other children who have wished their lives away. But now that Charlie has entered the asylum, can he and Liam get out? With the help of Charlie's best friend, Ana, and Jonathon the friendly baseball coach, Charlie makes the ultimate sacrifice for his family, learning a few lessons about the power of forgiveness and unconditional love along the way.