

Emma Patton


Dependable, Intermediate, games; book; library; mystery; friendship; fairness; fun; technology; teamwork

Document Type

Book Review


There’s a new library in town, and the world-famous game maker, Mr. Lemoncello, is one of the funders. Now that it’s almost time for the library to open, Mr. Lemoncello is inviting select twelve-year-olds from the town to spend the night in his library before the grand opening. But Mr. Lemoncello also has a trick up his sleeve. For those who wish to participate, he is offering a prize to the first student who can figure out how to escape his library before the time runs out. Through a series of games, literary trivia, and general sneakiness, the students must crack the code and find the answers that will lead them out. It’s no secret that everyone loves Mr. Lemoncello’s games, but this game, where the whole library seems to be playing along too, is the biggest and best one yet.
