

Emma Patton


Excellent, Young Adult, disability, romance, loneliness, blindness, Germany, science, epilepsy, electricity, adoption

Document Type

Book Review


Ollie and Moritz are pen pals, but they will never meet. Moritz has a heart condition that requires him to have a pacemaker, while Ollie suffers from life-threatening seizures whenever he is around any kind of electricity. Both are outcasts, detached from society in their own way. Ollie lives in forced isolation in the woods with his mother, far away from any electricity but also from any human contact. Moritz lives in a bustling city in Germany but, due to his own strange abilities and disabilities, feels apart from the world and experiences profound loneliness even in the most crowded surroundings. Though their lives are so different, through written correspondence, Ollie and Moritz help each other to grapple with the difficulties of being human. But as they get closer and truth comes out about some of the most painful details of each boy’s past, they realize that their stories may be more connected than either of them knew.
