
Article Title



Emma Patton


Dependable, Young Adult, good vs. evil; villain; shapeshifter; kingdom; orphan; sidekick; hero; science; magic; dragon; friendship; apprentice

Document Type

Book Review


Ballister Blackheart is a notorious villain with a new sidekick: a shapeshifting girl who’s little more than a kid. The two of them have all sorts of plans for the kingdom, but the truth is that not all of them are evil plans. In fact, most of the plans use science to expose all the dishonesty being fed to the public by the Institution of Law Enforcement and Heroics. But they’re still the villains, aren’t they? As Nimona and Blackheart become closer, Nimona teaches Ballister how to enjoy himself and see that he is capable of so much more than his paltry plots. Ballister helps Nimona, too. In the safety of his friendship, she can explore her powers more freely than she has been able to. But as Nimona and Ballister become closer as a team, Nimona’s backstory begins to unravel and Ballister realizes that the truth about the origins and the magnitude of Nimona’s powers is more mysterious than anyone thought.
