
Article Title

Letters to Leo


Jamie Jamie


Outstanding, Amy Hest, Julia Denos, Intermediate, Dogs, Pets, Fourth Grade, Single Parent

Document Type

Book Review


Letters to Leo is a collection of letters written by Annie Rossi to her dog Leo. Annie lives with her single father, so Leo helps to keep her company whenever her father isn’t around. The letters follow some Annie’s struggles, including her desire to succeed in school, her loneliness when her friend Jean Marie moves away, her entry in the school’s essay contest, and working on a school project with her biggest classroom competitor. One day, an author and poet comes to the classroom and talks about his poetry and illustrations. Annie is inspired by the poem the author shares in class and writes her own poem along in honor of her departed mother. The book ends as Annie finishes her fourth grade year and heads off to the beach with her father, where Annie’s favorite teacher from first grade will be joining them for a visit.
