

Jamie Greenwood


Excellent, Sally M. Walker, Sean Qualls, Primary, Slavery, Henry Box Brown, Freedom Song

Document Type

Book Review


Henry “Box” Brown has grown up with his family in Virginia, where they are all slaves on a large plantation and sing while they work. At night he thinks of his “Freedom Song,” a song in his head about a free land where he can be with his family in peace. When he grows older, he is sent to work in a tobacco factory where he meets his wife, Nancy. They marry, have children, and sing together the song of family. But one day, Nancy’s master sells Nancy and the children to another master far away. Henry knows that if he can get to “freedom land” he will have a chance of seeing his family again. He packs himself into a small box for his journey. Finally, he makes it to freedom land, where he is finally able to sing his freedom song for all to hear.
