
Article Title

A Memory of Violets


Sydnee Burr


Outstanding, Young Adult, Historical Fiction; Flower Sellers; London; Street Urchins; Factory; Orphan; Orphanage; Cripple

Document Type

Book Review


Leaving a complicated past and all that is familiar behind, Tilly rides the train to London to start a new job as Housemother in Mr. Shaw’s Training Homes for Watercress and Flower Girls. Grateful for the chance to start anew, and refreshed by the fact that no one knows her or her history, Tilly revels in her new life, job, and friends. After finding a hidden collection of letters in her room, Tilly embarks on a journey of discovery revolving around two sisters living barefoot on the streets of London. As she learns more about their relationship, she yearns for healing between her own sister and self.
