

Haley Cook


Outstanding, Primary, Intermediate, Captain Underpants, superhero, heroic, potty humor, humor, adventure, middle school, comic

Document Type

Book Review


Tippy Tinkletrousers, ever the super villain, wants revenge on Captain Underpants, his nemesis. Tippy has time travel on his side, and with another Tippy from the past, he is ready to wreak havoc and defeat Captain Underpants once and for all! George and Harold, along with their trusty pets, Crackers and Sulu, must try and stop Tippy as he attempts to extract his revenge, which ends up causing the extinction of dinosaurs and the ice age in the process. Unfortunately, George and Harold’s time machine is destroyed, so they need Tippy to get them back to the present. With the help of their pets, some cavemen, and of course, Captain Underpants, they are able to make it back safe and sound with a few hilarious kinks along the way.
