

Lisi Merkley


Excellent, Young Adult, fantasy, family, mystery, magic, love, loyalty, murder

Document Type

Book Review


In the wake of her father’s death, Britta is left with nothing and is caught poaching on the young king’s land. As she awaits her death sentence, Britta is called up to speak with the king’s advisor. To her surprise, he offers her a deal. If she can find her father’s murderer, she will be freed. There’s only one catch: the suspected murderer is her father’s old apprentice and her only friend, Cohen. With death as the only other option, Britta sets out to find Cohen. Along the way, she discovers the truth about her father’s murder and about who she really is. Eventually, she uncovers a devious plot to control the king and take over the country, and she’s the only one who can stop it.
