
Article Title

I Was Made For You


Excellent, Preschool, Cat, Purpose, Made, Gift

Document Type

Book Review


Cat just wants to know why he was made. But as soon as Daisy’s mom finishes knitting him, she wraps him up tight and doesn’t answer any questions. So Cat keeps wondering, eventually unwrapping himself and starting a quest to find out for himself. He passes through a door and into the snowy woods, asking everything he meets along the way what he was made for. Sadly, they can only know their own purposes. Finally Cat realizes that he must have been a gift for somebody! But Cat’s quest left him unraveled and unable to move, so he can’t go back home. Fortunately, the string of yarn trailing behind Cat leads Daisy and Mommy right to him. At long last, Mommy knits Cat back into himself and he confidently declares as he hugs young Daisy that he was made for her.
