

Excellent, Intermediate, Young Adult, Brandon Sanderson, Librarians, Adventure, Magic

Document Type

Book Review


Alcatraz Smedry broke the Smedry Talents. As the Evil Librarian army regroups and continues to attack the Free Kingdoms, and with his friend Bastille still in a coma, Alcatraz joins forces with his mother to infiltrate The Library of Congress. He hopes to find a cure for Bastille and the others who were thrown into a magical sleep during the Evil Librarian invasion of Mocia. As Alcatraz struggles to come to terms to life without his talent, he starts realizing his power was more a part of him than he realized. Using his friends and his wit, he manages to find the cure to the magical sleep and distribute it throughout the building. However, an apparent cousin of the Smedry family turns out to be a leader of the Evil Librarians. After shooting—and supposedly killing—Grandpa Smedry, he forces Alcatraz and his father to decide who dies on the alter to allow him to take over the world. Alcatraz’s father, in a moment of bravery, offers himself, while Alcatraz offers . . . his father. Alcatraz ends the book there, confessing to the readers that he is a coward. Then Bastille picks up the pen, reveals that Grandpa Smedry is still alive, and says that she’ll continue writing the account because Alcatraz refuses to write more.
