

Excellent, Preschool, Primary, Madelyn Rosenberg, Heather Ross, Tea Party, Manners, Etiquette, Children, Pets, Picture Book

Document Type

Book Review


Julia, a spunky little girl, is bound and determined to throw the best party her brother has ever seen…a tea party! She tries to teach him, and the dog, how to mind their manners. It’s simply not Charlie’s cup of tea. She learns to take deep breaths and count to…382, but to no avail. She hears a CRASH! and can’t hold her anger in any longer. But, if she wants guests at her party she might just have to involve the frog, invite the neighbor boys, and build rocket ships out of sugar cubes. Although having a little brother can be hard, Julia learns that fancy parties are just not for little boys. She finds a way to include them and do what they like and it turns out to be the best party ever!
