
Article Title

Nelly May Has Her Say


Tessa McMillan


Excellent, Toddler, Preschool, Primary, Cynthia DeFelice, Henry Cole, Picture Book

Document Type

Book Review


Nelly May is the oldest child of her large, poor family. She leaves home seeking employment from Lord Ignasius Pinkwinkle. Lord Pinkwinkle will hire Nelly May if she can remember all his special names for things around the house. After a very confusing tour of his home, Nelly May agrees to Lord Pinkwinkle’s conditions and memorizes his nonsense words. Late that night, Nelly May is awakened by the smell of smoke. She runs to Lord Pinkwinkle’s room and explains the dilemma using all of his ridiculous terms. As soon as she finishes, she quits and returns home. The next day, Lord Pinkwinkle arrives at Nelly May’s home pleading for her return. She accepts his offer if he will stop using his far-fetched terminology.
