BYU Studies Quarterly

nonessentialism, personal priorities, religious priorities
The soft, muted lighting reflected off wooden pews in a local church building, casting a glow on the faces of leaders gathered for a stake meeting. Among those on the stand was the young bishop of the Sixth-Seventh Ward in the Temple View Stake. Tall, with a commanding presence, he was known for his dedication, but tonight, he felt restless. He had promised to visit an older ward member in the hospital right after this stake meeting was over. As the meeting progressed, he felt a strong impression to leave the meeting and rush to the hospital. The feeling became urgent. However, the stake president was speaking, and this bishop worried his early departure would appear disrespectful.
Recommended Citation
McKeown, Greg
"What Jesus Didn’t Do: The Discipled Pursuit of Less,"
BYU Studies Quarterly: Vol. 63:
3, Article 7.
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