"The Newly Established Asian Research Institute" by BYU Studies

BYU Studies Quarterly

BYU Studies Quarterly


BYU Studies


Mormon studies, Asia, Asian culture, Asian research


From increased interest in Asia and its problems has come to newly organized Asian Research Institute at Brigham Young University. The Institute recognizes the imperative need for countries of the West to gain a more realistic understanding of Asia and its cultures. Recommended by the University Administration, the Institute was approved recently by the Board of Trustees and will begin its activities at once under the direction of Dr. Lee W. Farnsworth, specialist in Asian studies. Members of the Executive Committee of the Institute are: Lee w. Farnsworth, Ray C. Hillam, Russell N. Horiuchi, Wesley P. Lloyd, Paul V. Hyer and Spencer J. Palmer–all with academic training and practical experience relating to Asia.
