BYU Studies Quarterly

Steven E. Snow, Church Recorder, BYU Studies
Elder Steven E. Snow served as the Church Historian and Recorder of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from August 1, 2012, to July 31, 2019. During this time, he oversaw significant developments in the work of Church history, from record keeping to publishing to developing historic sites and exhibits. Two years into his tenure, I joined the Church History Department as director of the Church History Library. One of my assignments in this role eventually involved participating in ongoing discussions about the office of Church Recorder. Over the years, there had been much discussion about the role of Church Historian, with far less about the role of Church Recorder.
Recommended Citation
Erekson, Keith A.
"The Office of Church Recorder,"
BYU Studies Quarterly: Vol. 58:
3, Article 6.
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