BYU Studies Quarterly

review, The Next Mormons, millennial, Jana Riess, Benjamin Knoll
The Next Mormons is a mixed-methods work (that is, it includes both representative statistics as well as interviews) on the beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors of millennial members of The Church of the Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the United States. Written by well-known religious journalist Jana Riess, with assistance from Benjamin Knoll, a political science academic, the book is built around the results of their Next Mormons Survey. On the whole, the book is an enjoyable read, reflecting Reiss’s skill as a journalist. The book was clearly written to be accessible, with little reference to major theories in the field of sociology or religion.
Recommended Citation
Cranney, Stephan
"The Next Mormons: How Millennials Are Changing the LDS Church,"
BYU Studies Quarterly: Vol. 58:
2, Article 14.
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