BYU Studies Quarterly

Mormon studies, Book of Mormon, apostolic succession
For years, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has published pictures and other illustrative diagrams to communicate its message. For example, the children's book Book of Mormon Stories includes an illustrative map indicating the possible route of Lehi's family from the Arabian peninsula to the Americas. Seminary students receive bookmarks showing a timeline of peoples and events in the Book of Mormon. More recently, the Church has published a series of "information graphics" (known more commonly as infographics) on its website. Infographics in a visually pleasing manner. The Church's infographics cover a range of topics such as humanitarian aid, missionary work, and genealogy. However, like all pictures, infographics are inherently static, meant to be viewed but not interacted with. As such, they are great at answering the questions the artist intended but are less effective at letting the reader discover answers to new questions that may arise form an initial view of the graphic. To allow this deeper level of exploration, graphics must be interactive.
Recommended Citation
Jin, Meilan; Delai, Iliesa S. K.; and Draper, Geoffrey M.
"Visualizing Apostolic Succession,"
BYU Studies Quarterly: Vol. 55:
2, Article 6.
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