BYU Studies Quarterly

Mormon studies, book notice, engineering
The essays contained in this text grew from an initial discussion between Richard L. Bushman and NASA engineer A. Scott Howe, a discussion that delved into the ways theology and engineering converge. That conversation led to a subsequent meeting, which was held at Claremont Graduate University in March 2009. There, LDS engineers from a variety of technical backgrounds representing such fields as computer programming, physics, and artificial intelligence presented their views relating to modern scripture and its harmony with science. Though at times the language contains some technical terms, the articles provide insight into general areas of faith that are also inviting to the nontechnical reader.
The final essay welcomes us into the twenty-first century with a brief summary of the breathtaking advances of the past fifty years and the directions and trends of current technology; it then points out the challenges we face in the future. The essay concludes with the revealed thoughts on the law of progression, not only during the millennial period but throughout eternity: "'We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God,' states the Ninth Article of Faith. This language is strikingly similar to the definition of the idea of progress as given by Robert Nisbet: 'Mankind has advanced in the past, . . . is now advancing, and will continue to advance through the foreseeable future.'"
Recommended Citation
Howe, A. Scott; Chabries, Douglas M.; and Bushman, Richard L.
"Parallels and Convergences: Mormon Thought and Engineering Vision,"
BYU Studies Quarterly: Vol. 51:
3, Article 13.
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