BYU Studies Quarterly

Heber J. Grant, Heber Jeddy Grant, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Presidents, Biography, Businessmen, Utah
When Heber J. Grant returned from a two-week vacation in Pacific Grove, California, in February 1901, the news he heard at first seemed favorable. One of his associates in the Quorum of the Twelve, Francis M. Lyman, had been asked to preside over the Church's European Mission. Elder Grant congratulated himself that "missionary lightning had once more escaped me," "heaved a sigh of relief," and embraced Lyman in mock celebration.
Recommended Citation
Walker, Ronald W.
"Strangers in a Strange Land: Heber J. Grant and the Opening of the Japan Mission,"
BYU Studies Quarterly: Vol. 43:
1, Article 14.
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