BYU Studies Quarterly

Introductory Pages
BYU Studies
Isaac Galland–Mormon Benefactor
Lyndon W. Cook
“All Things Move in Order in the City”: The Nauvoo Diary of Zina Diantha Huntington Jacobs
Maureen Ursenbach Beecher
The Steamboat Maid of Iowa: Mormon Mistress of the Mississippi
Donald L. Enders
William Weeks, Architect of the Nauvoo Temple
J. Earl Arrington
The Sacred Departments for Temple Work in Nauvoo: The Assembly Room and the Council Chamber
Lisle G. Brown
Lewis C. Bidamon, Stepchild of Mormondom
Valeen Tippetts Avery and Linda King Newell
Full Issue
Full Issue
BYU Studies
Platting the City Beautiful: A Historical and Archaeological Glimpse of Nauvoo Streets
Donald L. Enders
The Nauvoo Tabernacle
Elden J. Watson
End Matter
End Matter
BYU Studies
The Historians Corner
The Historians Corner
James B. Allen
Joseph Smith's 19 July 1840 Discourse
Dean C. Jessee
“A More Virtuous Man Never Existed on the Footstool of the Great Jehovah”: George Miller on Joseph Smith
Lyndon W. Cook
The Pioneer Dulcimer
Sally T. Taylor
Guest Editor's Prologue "Our Cup Runneth Over"
LaMar C. Berrett