BYU Studies Quarterly

Introductory Pages
BYU Studies
Calorimetry and Metal Binding in Biology
James J. Christensen
Metal Binding in Biology
Reed M. Izatt
New Mormon
Dennis Smith
Ideals of Mormons and Gentiles In Utah and other States
Virgil B. Smith
Provo Temple Site, 1968
Dale T. Fletcher
Metallic Documents of Antiquity
H. Curtis Wright
Full Issue
Full Issue
BYU Studies
End Matter
End Matter
BYU Studies
The Historians Corner
The Historians Corner
James B. Allen
Joseph Smith's Own Story of a Serious Childhood Illness
Reed C. Durham Jr.
Membership of Certain of Joseph Smith's Family in the Western Presbyterian Church of Palmyra
Milton Vaughn Backman Jr. and James B. Allen
William E. McLellan's Testimony of the Book of Mormon
Larry C. Porter
Brigham Young on Politics and Priesthood
J. Keith Melville
roland you idiot
Michael F. Shands
Book Reviews
Smoking and Politics: Policymaking and the Federal Bureaucracy A. Lee Fritschler
William Clayton Kimball
Joseph Smith's Revision of the Bible Robert J. Matthews
Sidney B. Sperry