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overconsumption, ultra-processed foods, United States, UPF




The consumption of ultra-processed foods (UPFs) in America is at an all-time high, with over 50% of daily calories eaten being sourced from UPFs. The increase of consumption of UPFs is due to the growing population, urbanization, and industrialization. UPFs lead to declines in the physical health and mental health of the US population, as those who consume higher amounts of UPFs are more likely to be depressed, overweight, and have a higher all-cause mortality risk. The production of ultra-processed foods also disrupts the health of the climate due to unsustainable farming and livestock practices. The best practices for alleviating the overconsumption of UPFs include responsibility at a public policy level. Government legislation on UPFs is an effective avenue for regulations to be placed on a largely unchecked food processing and distribution industry.
