

Elle Stoker

Publication Date



abuse, child abuse, custody, jurisdiction, mediation, Parental Alienation Syndrome




If allegations of abuse are filed in a child custody proceeding, it is meant to show evidence that the child could be in danger of future physical, sexual, or psychological abuse or neglect. The individuals who receive guardianship of children play a large role in the child's healthcare, education, and living situation. With some numbers estimating that 58,000 children per year are put into the custody of an abuser, this issue is important to consider. Currently, the United States has different laws and regulations that are not applied consistently across different court cases. While psychological testing is one of the main objective tools used to gain information regarding potential custody situations, there are currently no psychological tests that are admissible in the American custody system that is specifically formulated to analyze children's experiences. However, government funding could increase the resources needed to truly identify abuse, report it, and help children suffering from abuse. Anything that recognizes the right children have to protect against abuse in the United States custody system could benefit thousands of children. The United States needs to take more measures to ensure that if children end up in the home of an abuser, the victims of the abuse are recognized, fought for, and helped in the ways they deserve.
