

Sydney Ward

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A lack of quality civic education affects nearly every K-12 student in the United States. The content and methods of civic education curriculum focus on memorization, lecture, and textbook learning, creating an ineffective learning method for students. Teachers are met with polarized classrooms and communities, creating hesitancy to approach political topics while inequity in funding between states and districts leaves schools without consistent resources or emphasis on civics. legislative policies and nonprofit organizations have dictated some of civic education's most recent standards and practices, though this federal approach has not been universally adopted in local classrooms. As a result of this lack of quality civic education. marginalized students are not given the same teacher or curriculum resources their more wealthy or white peers are, which contributes to the gap in the development of civic skills. Political polarization increases among youth and pervades into adulthood. Further, knowledge gaps develop between students who had access to better civic education opportunities and those who did not. Programs like action civics and other frameworks prioritize participatory learning in K-12 schools and are effective at building civic knowledge and lifelong civic skills.