

Jared Saxton

Publication Date



public policy, poverty




Corruption in Uganda accounts for ½ of government expenditure and mainly benefits the rich and well connected. Due to weak and unspecific laws, corruption is often not enforced in the nation. Additionally, when there are adequate laws in place, enforcement agencies often benefit from corruption and are therefore unmotivated to take action against it. Cultural factors mean that corruption is socially acceptable in many cases and is common throughout the nation. Foreign aid props up corrupt government expenditure because funding comes from an external source, and thus, the government feels less accountable to its citizens. Corruption results in poor service delivery because money is diverted away from important institutions such as hospitals and schools. It also results in hindered economic growth because it keeps firms from being able to compete fairly in markets. Additionally, corruption diminishes trust between the government and its citizens because it undermines the rule of law. While corruption is a continuing issue in Uganda, there are organizations that combat corruption and strategies that have been effective In curbing corruption levels.
