Prose Fiction


Sophie Mereau

Name Authority

Mereau, Sophie, 1770-1806


Novel; Briefroman

Information about this work

Entstanden seit Mitte 1795. Erstdruck (anonym) der ersten acht Briefe in: Die Horen, herausgegeben von Friedrich Schiller, 3. Jg., 1797, 6., 7. und 10. Stück. Erste vollständige Ausgabe (anonym) nach vollständiger Umarbeitung des Anfangs: Frankfurt am Main (Friedrich Wilmans) 1803. Für den Roman verwendete sie teilweise (in den Briefen 18–22) den Briefwechsel mit ihrem Geliebten Johann Heinrich Kipp als Textmaterial. : Erster Theil; Amanda an Julien [sic passim]; Eduard an Barton [sic passim]; Eduard an Amanda [sic passim]; Amanda an Eduard [sic passim]; Zweiter Theil


This work is part of the Sophie Digital Library, an open-access, full-text-searchable source of literature written by German-speaking women from medieval times through the early 20th century. The collection covers a broad spectrum of genres and is designed to showcase literary works that have been neglected for too long. These works are made available both in facsimiles of their original format, wherever possible, as well as in a PDF transcription that promotes ease of reading and is amenable to keyword searching.

Publication Date



Frankfurt a.M. : Fr. Willmanns
