
Journal of Undergraduate Research


family structure, Japan, Korea, childhood depression, mental illness


Family, Home, and Social Sciences




Recently, Japan and Korea have experienced increased strain in their society. In Japan, citizens ranging from ages 55 to 64 years make up 38.3 percent of the population, and those 65 years and over account for 24.8 percent of the population. This means those that are 55 years old or more make up over 52 percent of the entire population (“East & Southeast,” 2013). Due to the aging population, and declining birth rates, there is much pressure put upon adults, young adults, and youth. This pressure has dramatically changed marriage and divorce rates, education attainment, and employment, which all impact a child’s life, and therefore their behavior. I hypothesized that children and youth, within Korea and Japan, with intact families display less depressive behaviors than those with non-traditional or dysfunctional families.

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