

sexual desire, sexual satisfaction, female, sociocultural influence, sexual response cycle


Historically, research on the human sexual-response cycle has not accounted for individual differences in gender and context. As a circular female response cycle was introduced in the latter end of the 20th century, differentiation between male and female sexuality was embraced, and individual variation between women became commonly known for the first time. As part of this historical shift, sexual desire became an integral part of the sexual experience (Basson, 2000). Most research on female sexual desire focuses on low desire and diagnosable conditions, but, among researchers, there is a growing consensus for additional focus into the roots of female desire and optimal sexual experiences. Sociocultural influences, including body image and appearance, time and setting, gendered cultural scripts, and expectations for pleasure/orgasm, play an important role in helping determine sexual desire. As greater attention and understanding are given to sociocultural influence, women may experience greater desire and higher sexual satisfaction.