
Great Basin Naturalist


Small mammal populations inhabiting radioactive waste disposal areas could be important vectors of contaminant redistribution, given sufficiently high numbers. Earlier studies conducted at the Subsurface Disposal Area (SDA) in southeastern Idaho found small mammal densities equaling or exceeding densities in native habitat. Our live-trapping study was conducted in 1988 and 1989 to assess the role of edge habitat (where SDA crested wheatgrass [Agropyron cristatum] plantings and native sagebrush habitat are separated by an earthen dike) in facilitating use of this highly modified site by small mammals. Small mammals had a significantly greater density in SDA edge habitat than in the interior. Total density of small mammals and immediately around the SDA appeared to be less variable over time than density in native sagebrush habitat for years when data were available. This phenomenon was largely attributable to steady or increasing SDA population densities of the most common species, Peromyscus maniculatus and Perognathus parvus, during 1988–89, when most small mammal species had below-average densities in surrounding areas. The variety of foraging options in edge habitat may have allowed these relatively opportunistic species to avoid widespread population declines associated with drought years in 1988–89. Movements by P. manicualtus across the boundary were common, suggesting that this species did indeed utilize both habitat types. Preferences for edge habitat could potentially be used to formulate strategies that reduce use of waste site by small mammals.
