
Great Basin Naturalist


A preliminary checklist of the mosses of Grand Teton National Park and Teton County, comprising 106 species, is presented. The following nine species are reported as new to Wyoming: Sphagnum squarrosum Crome, Atrichum undulatum (Hedw.) P.-Beauv., Tortella humilis (Hedw.) Jenn., Bryum bicolor Dicks., Pohlia obtusifolia (Brid.) L. Koch, Calliergon sarmentosum (Wahlenb.) Kindb., Eurhynchium oreganum (Sull.) Jaeg., Plagiothecium piliferum (Sw. ex C.J. Hartm.) B.S.G. and Lescuraea stenophylla (Ren. & Card.) Kindb.
