
Great Basin Naturalist


Recent discoveries of native cutthroat trout populations in desert mountain ranges on the western fringe of the Bonneville Basin have prompted intensified management efforts by state and federal agencies. Analysis of Snake Valley cutthroat specimens in Trout Creek, Deep Creek Mountain Range, Utah, indicate this is a pure strain of the trout which once inhabited Pleistocene Lake Bonneville and which was thought to be extinct in Utah. The Snake Valley cutthroat is similar to Salmo clarki utah of the eastern Bonneville Basin; however, electrophoretic and morphomeristic analysis show unique genetic differences brought about by long-term isolation (8,000 years) from the remainder of the Bonneville Basin cutthroat. This cutthroat is a common ancestor to several other limited cutthroat populations within the basin in Nevada. In May 1977 the BLM withdrew from mineral entry about 27,000 acres within the Deep Creek Mountains for protection of this salmonid cutthroat and other unique resources on the range. Results of 1977 stream surveys on the Pilot Peak Mountain Range, Utah, indicate the presence of the threatened Lahontan cutthroat, Salmo clarki henshawi, in one isolated stream.
