
Great Basin Naturalist


Three desert Artemisia tridentata communities in Rush Valley, Utah, were trapped for small rodents during the summer of 1970, and population densities were estimated for each population category using Lincoln's index. Animals were weighed and rodent biomass calculated by species throughout the summer. Population, biomass, and other data were then analyzed to gain an understanding of the community relationships of the three study areas to each other as well as to the A. tridentata community types of the Great Basin.

Peromyscus maniculatus, Eutamias minimus, and Reithrodontomys megalotis were common to area 1, whereas P. maniculatus, E. minimus, and Perognathus parvus were common to areas 2 and 3. The peak estimated standing crops were 182.8 (74.0). 143.1 (57.9), and 129.7 g/acre (52.5 g/ha) for areas 2, 1, and 3 respectively. The population and biomass of area 2 peaked in midsummer, area 1 early summer, and area 3 late summer.
