Stealing Babies, Making Families: Does Corruption in Government lead to More Adoptions into the US?

Stealing Babies, Making Families: Does Corruption in Government lead to More Adoptions into the US?

Tisah Quarnberg
Chelsea Mazar
Jini Roby

Quarnberg, Tisah; Mazar, Chelsea; Roby, Jini


On March 26, 2007 Ana Escobar reported her baby Esther Zulamitawas stolen. Ana was locked in a storage closet at the family’s shoe store, north of Guatemala City, while armed men took her daughter. Two months later, Ana was sitting in the National Adoption Council’s offices when she spotted her baby. Esther was being adopted by an unidentified US couple. DNA tests had been falsified and Esther was given all new papers. Convinced that the child was hers, Ana got a new DNA tests ordered. These tests confirmed that the baby was Esther and she has since been reunited with her mother. Unfortunately, stories like these are all too familiar in Central and South America.