
This dissertation presents a comprehensive exploration of material deformation at the atomic level, investigating key findings and contributions through three fundamental methods: Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy (SFG), X-ray Diffraction (XRD), and Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD). The research commences by uncovering the material dependency of nonresonant responses in both SFG and Second Harmonic Generation (SHG) signals. This redefinition of the nonresonant component as an information-rich carrier, rather than mere background noise, leads to novel insights into the potential applications of SFG. The study then delves further into the influence of mechanical stress on materials, establishing a connection between dislocation density on the sample surface and the SHG response through EBSD. This innovative methodology allows for the early detection of deformation in structural steel. A new design for a solid open mount is introduced, facilitating the examination of materials under sustained tensile stress. This mount empowers investigations into phenomena observed during the tensile deformation of polymers, offering valuable insights into essential material behaviors. Additionally, an investigation to explore the effects of antimicrobial additives on the shear strength of medical-grade adhesives, utilizing Raman spectroscopy as a functional group-sensitive method to unveil the structural contributions of these additives. A final study includes the noteworthy discovery of a novel crystal structure wherein trapped solvents substantially alter the behavior of oxalic acid within the unit cell. This finding holds great promise for the field of crystal engineering, presenting exciting prospects for the design of solid-state materials with specific and tailored structures. Collectively, this dissertation contributes significantly to the field of material science and engineering, providing crucial insights into atomic-level material behavior and performance under mechanical stress. The advanced analytical techniques and methodologies applied in this research pave the way for further investigations into material deformation and its implications across various applications.



College and Department

Computational, Mathematical, and Physical Sciences; Chemistry and Biochemistry



Date Submitted


Document Type





material deformation, sum frequency generation, x-ray diffraction, electron backscatter diffraction, nonresonant signal, mechanical stress


