

Liz Kazandzhy


Excellent, Primary, Herman Parish, Lynne Avril, Garage Sales, Yard Sales, Family, Humor, Language

Document Type

Book Review


Amelia Bedelia’s mother is a huge fan of garage sales, and when her father suggests doing a garage sale of their own, they start getting everything ready. At first Amelia Bedelia is afraid to sell their garage, but her parents change their sign to say “yard sale” and explain that they won’t be selling the actual yard, just whatever is in the yard. Once she agrees to that and the yard sale begins, she helps as best she can. One woman expresses interest in their sewing machine and asks for a yardstick as well. After some misunderstanding of what a yardstick is, Amelia Bedelia finally finds the item the woman is asking for. The woman also comments on how beautiful the flowers are in the yard, and since everything in the yard was for sale, Amelia Bedelia quickly and happily digs them up and sells them to the woman. Though her mother is a little disappointed in the end about the flowers, they all considered the yard sale a huge success.
