
BYU Studies Quarterly

BYU Studies Quarterly


Heber J. Grant, Heber Jeddy Grant, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Presidents, Biography, Businessmen, Utah


Before 6:00 A.M. on May 29, 1897, the portly and veteran Apostle Brigham Young Jr., himself ailing due to an attack of dropsy, called at the Heber J. Grant household to pray a blessing upon his associate. He found that "Bro Grant... had a poor night but he was going to the hospital with firm faith that all would be well." The day before, Grant awoke with sever lumbar and abdominal pain. The doctors diagnosed a ruptured appendix and advanced peritonitis and advised immediate surgery. As the hour-and-a-half operation progressed, the nine attending surgeons found "extraordinary suppuration and commenced mortification." After rotting the appendix and part of the colon, the infection had discharged a quart of pus throughout the stomach cavity. The chief surgeon turned to Joseph F. Smith, who was present at his friend's critical hour, and said, "My [Dear] Smith, you do not need to think of the possibility or probability of this man recovering." Only the doctor who monitored Grant's remarkably vigorous pulse disagreed.
